
a jugar

Amb els meus alumnes petitets estem preparant una obra de teatre. Es diu 'Fart-zen' i els fa petar de riure...
diu així:


Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were in the middle of a session. I'll come back.


No, please enter. All are welcome here.


Hello, I'm Stephanie Miller.

(Pulls out a business card and gives it to the MASTER. STEPH turns and looks at PUPILS. MASTER tosses card carelessly)

I was referred here by my doctor. She says I've got way too much stress in my life and she prescribed some relaxation exercises. Your Fart-Zen school comes highly recommended for it's success in relieving all kinds of stress and anxiety disorders.

(STEPH has been pacing nervously. MASTER stops her)


It is said "far-zen".

la Steph és una mica així de look :