
Riding the vespa - sota la pluja

The New York Times
May 20, 2008, 6:52 am
Riding the Vespa S

By Daniel McDermon

I’ve always thought that driving in New York City is a bit like a game of touch football between the Jets and the Giants — you’re always seconds away from a painful collision, but for the most part you don’t get clobbered. Getting through a traffic jam on the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway is a game of inches. So even though I’m a fan of almost anything with a motor and two wheels, I was a bit skeptical about venturing onto the city streets aboard the Vespa S. After touring through Manhattan and Brooklyn on a group ride for journalists, though, I found myself persuaded that scooters are extremely useful for basic city transport — at least when the weather is cooperative.

(Lo del weather being cooperative és un recordatori de que no, no n'és de cooperant el temps a la ciutat esmeralda. De nou, una mostra més de la meva audàcia - com anar en bici a Malmö o portar kitten heels a Benicàssim)

La nova Vespa S m'agrada molt però no em convenç tant com la LX. El D. en té una i fa sempre molt de goig de veure-la.

Si puguéssiu triar... quina us quedarieu?

Vespa LX de 125CC model sr. de la Ifigènia

Vespa LX de 50cc. Model 'sóc una mica excèntrica i molt europea'

LX de 50cc. Model Portofino.

LX de 50cc. Model vermell putot.