
small talk

Pleasant mother pheasant plucker!!!!!!!!!

Primero, triste y tontorrona...
-Es mi estado mental más productivo pero cuidado que no estoy para tonterías.
Si me ven, mejor no me saluden.

y, ahora, sigan leyendo.

- Què fort! la J.H. i el J.R.? A comprar patates xips? què freak! - dice spain 2.
- How old is J.H.? - dice england
- I don't know... Shit, I don't want to know. -dice italy.
- Em ve de gust una cervesa. -dice spain 1
- ¿Qué dices chica? - dice germany
- She wants a beer.- dice england
- Women shouldn’t get drunk early in the morning. -dice germany
- Bye-dice italy.
- Bye-dicen spain2, england, germany, spain1.
- So true. Gee, take Dorothy Parker. You don’t want to look like her, do you? -dice england
- Dunno. -dice spain 1.
- I need a beer. -dice spain 2.
- Horchata, please. -dice germany.